Plan review process

The plan review cycle is the central element in c.des.

It is used to control all processes, dependencies and branches in order to guide each plan safely and traceably from its provision by the planner to its release for execution.

Continuously developed since 2003, we can now cover almost any review situation. A fact that sets c.des apart from most competitors in this field.

Modular Design

A review cycle can be composed of any number of the following modular parts:
1. One or more review phases (e.g. Status E) that are linked by freely definable rules.
2. Review phases consist of one or more nodes (z.B. Planprüfung, Planfreigabe)

Types of review nodes:
Simple serial or serial node with parallel review positions (test matrix)
Review options (decision options and their effects) freely configurable for each node.

Further possibilities to model a review cycle …

Random reviews
Node-free reviews that can be carried out at any time for the current version of a plan/document, regardless of the current status of the review controlled by the review cycle (example: §40 review in the railway sector).

Wave through tasks
Perform multiple tasks simultaneously with a given review option

Optional reviewers by planners During the plan upload, additional reviewers may be involved at the planner’s discretion

Statement by planner
Binding statement on the plan upload (e.g. regarding deviations from previous project phases)

Comment on reviews
Possible for each previous node. Events configurable for each node upon node entry or exit

Review Duration

The review duration can be defined separately for each review node. It is entered in working days (except Saturday). Weekends, public holidays and freely definable project holidays are taken into account when calculating the deadline automatically by c.des.

The duration of the review and the responsibility for reviews and releases are determined by the project administrator at the beginning in the review sheet.

Together with the planned delivery dates of the planned delivery catalogue, a comparison of the target and actual status is determined and visualized for the tasks and the review status.

Initiation Review Cycle

The review cycle is initiated automatically by uploading the plan.

The planner is supported by the intelligent plan upload, where

  • only permissible target phases (Status E, Status P, etc.) are suggested depending on the linked review sheet or current review progress
  • an inline plan preview is generated to enable immediate visual control
  • additional documents used can be uploaded
  • the first target node of the selected review phase is displayed with the reviewers defined in the review sheet

Tasks – Review and Release

All reviews can be accessed via a central task page.

The tasks are ranked according to urgency and the deadlines are highlighted graphically by visualizing them on a timeline.

An optional signature folder allows simultaneous signing of multiple reviews.

Reviews are carried out in the review interface or directly on the plan (graphical review notes).

Previous reviews are available during reviewing and ensure better transparency and collaboration.

Reviews and releases are carried out electronically using a digital signature and allow the reviewers immediate feedback.


Represents the complete review history of each plan and its revisions.

Documents all review results chronologically with reviewers signature and time stamp.

TARGET – ACTUAL state shown in a detailed graphic.

Discrepancies can always be proven by facts.

Example Reviewprotocol in pdf- format